Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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The Art Of Creation: How You Can Remember A Powerful Moment And Use That Magic

I remember a timeI was on the phone…
…and one of my mentors said something to me that was profound.
We were discussing how a person is responsible for their own breakthroughs. How others can help, but it all falls on the shoulders of he who wants to make a change.
Looking back on my life, and thinking of times I was beaten down...
I was fed up, and was not going to take it anymore. 
-In one single moment, everything from relationships to financial freedom was completely altered.  
Right now, I’m going to show you how you can create magic, become dominant, and live an abundant life… everything in your life can change, whenever you want – maybe you can even do that now by listening to my man David Wood speak about his inner wizard ;)
If you’re not in yet, you can get in now.
That is no problem – it’s easy.
Click here, to get in.
In the video, our co-founder, David Woos talks about focus. When it's time, and you're ready to follow the assignment, refer to this blog post here (opens in a new window), and see if you notice what he says.
It’s important to complete the assignment in the video, that you hear the exclusive, members only phone call we did on Monday night.  You have to get in to listen to the replay, it covers the rest of the 5 steps – the 5 steps to creating that magical abundance, that is covered in the video.
When you are finished watching the video, you can login here, and do that.
And if you need to get in, you can get in here.
Enjoy the vid :-D
-Jonah McGee“Stop dreaming and start doing!
Abundant, success, magic

P.S.  When you’re done watching the entire video, and have followed the assignment, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.  I’m interested to hear about the breakthrough, that you’re about to have now.  It may have already started. 
e-mail me @

1 comment:

  1. Wanna make site like this.

